11 Mobile Ecommerce Best Practices For Conversions (2024 Guide)

Last updated on Jul 5th, 2024 | 12 min

TL;DR: To boost mobile e-commerce conversions, focus on responsive design, quick loading times, and streamlined checkouts. Prioritize high-quality visuals, concise product descriptions, and customer reviews for trust. Incorporating personalization, seamless mobile payments, and customer support like live chat can significantly improve the shopping experience and conversion rates.

Mobile shopping has evolved, and users now expect a seamless and user-friendly web interface for easy exploration and shopping on their devices. 

You should note that about 75% of customers admit to buying goods through their phones since this saves time.

This figure is significant because if your website is not mobile-friendly, you will miss many new potential clients.

This article will give tips on increasing conversions by optimizing your mobile ecommerce site and keeping visitors away from your competitors.

Importance of Optimizing for Conversions on Mobile Platforms

With an already low ecommerce conversion rate of 2.5%–3%, delays caused by slow loading times and complex page layouts significantly increase the risk of potential customers leaving your site.

Some essential components are required to increase mobile conversions. A one-page checkout reduces steps and thus the chances of abandonment.

Showing proper product information like descriptions, specifications, and customer ratings boosts trust and facilitates decision-making.

Security badges and trust seals are also essential elements that remind the customer that his/her data and payments are secure on the e-commerce website.

The placement and visibility of these elements must be optimized to make the user feel confident on mobile platforms, which often feature a limited amount of screen space.

Understanding Mobile User Behavior in Ecommerce

In a 2019 research conducted by Google in Denmark revealed that, on average, consumers showed a 10% higher inclination to recommend a webshop when the load time was shortened from 13 seconds to 10 seconds. 

Moreover, a subsequent reduction from 10 seconds to 3 seconds was associated with an estimated 26% surge in advocacy.

Mobile users have limited patience and cannot wait for a more extended period while in the middle of a tedious purchase process that involves several steps.

Every step of the mobile ecommerce journey should be tailored to the user's needs.

Personalization also contributes to making the experience fit for every user, increasing their engagement, thus resulting in increased conversions.

The Mobile-First Approach to Ecommerce

The mobile-first approach to ecommerce refers to developing or designing websites for mobile screens so that mobile users can benefit most.

Therefore, e-commerce businesses have to put a high emphasis on mobile optimization to grab this increasing market.

Firstly, it enables users to have a flawless purchasing process on their mobile screen, making a good customer purchasing experience.

This way, users will be more willing to go through the checkout, increasing conversion rates.

Examples of successful mobile-first ecommerce platforms are Amazon and Shopify. Such platforms are optimized for mobile devices and have a simple interface to enhance the mobile UX and check out the process flow.

Similarly, they enhance their sites to cater to different mobile phone screen sizes to guarantee customers a uniform and pleasurable purchase environment through any device used.

11 Best Practices for Mobile Ecommerce Conversions

Boost your mobile sales by turning your mobile visitors into committed buyers. These measures should be applied when engaging with mobile commerce, whether one is an old hand in online retail trade or someone who is only starting their e-commerce business.

1. Responsive Design

  • Mobile ecommerce relies on responsive design for adaptability to various screens and devices, enhancing user convenience.
  • The ideal mobile site design should seamlessly adjust to different devices, facilitating easy browsing, research, and purchase for users.
  • Emphasizing large and readable text, the site ensures customers can easily discern offered products and essential information, even if they struggle with smaller fonts.
  • The website's simplicity should extend to easy navigation, allowing users to effortlessly search for information.

Salt Surf

Salt Surf homepage

SALT emerges from the collaborative efforts of two surf enthusiasts, Tyler Wolff and Nabil Samadani, who embarked on a mission to introduce finely crafted surfboards to the vibrant New York City surf scene. 

The website captures attention with its striking design, featuring captivating full-canvas photography on the homepage. Upon exploration, one discovers an inspiring aesthetic marked by thoughtful typography, a purposeful grid layout, and alluring product imagery.

While full-canvas photography contributes to the site's visual appeal, it comes at a cost, with the homepage weighing in at a substantial 1.3MB. Implementing responsive image techniques could address this challenge, although the minimalistic design of the internal pages helps offset the impact to some extent.


Kiwi bank

While banks typically don't elicit warm feelings, Kiwibank, a New Zealand-based financial institution competing with larger Australian counterparts, is making strides in changing perceptions. 

With over 10% of traffic coming from mobile devices, Kiwibank enlisted the expertise of Springload to transition towards device agnosticism. According to Bron Thomson, founder and director of Springload, the fixed-width paradigm was no longer sustainable, especially after noticing 20 attempts to join Kiwibank from PlayStation 3 devices.

The design strategy heavily relies on a well-crafted copy, elegantly typeset in Meta Serif. Recognizing the significance of content, Thomson emphasizes the exclusion of Lorem Ipsum and collaboration with Kiwibank's copywriting team, who operate from Springload's office a few days each week. 

Navigating on smaller screens involves an 'off-canvas' menu sliding in from the right, akin to popular apps like Facebook and Path. This approach underscores Kiwibank's commitment to a more inclusive and accessible digital experience.

United Pixel Workers

United Pixel Workers

A platform that sells T-shirts and accessories crafted by the web design community caters to its tech-savvy clientele with a responsive website. The site adopts a straightforward grid layout and features large typography, ensuring seamless adaptability when accessed on smaller screens. 

Notably, the arrangement of cart and menu buttons on narrower devices reflects thoughtful design, enhancing user experience and emphasizing the platform's commitment to accessibility and user-friendly navigation.

2. Fast Load Times And Performance

  • Deloitte and Google's research highlights that a one-second delay in page loading can lead to a revenue reduction of approximately 20%, underscoring the critical importance of optimizing page speed for online stores.
  • Optimizing images by compressing and resizing them significantly reduces file size, contributing to faster page load times.
  • Minifying CSS and JavaScript files by removing excess white spaces and redundant characters is another effective strategy to enhance page speed.
  • Utilizing server resources for improved access speeds can be achieved through caching, where commonly accessed data is stored for quicker retrieval.

3. Building Email Lists

Building email lists is important for mobile conversion optimization because: 

  • Direct Communication Channel: Email provides users with a direct and personal communication channel. With mobile devices being constantly within reach, email allows businesses to reach their audience instantly, making it a valuable tool for promotions, updates, and special offers. However, when it comes to email marketing make sure to use DKIM authentication to ensure your emails land in actual inboxes of your intended recipients.
  • Targeted Marketing: Email lists enable businesses to segment their audience based on various criteria such as preferences, behaviors, or demographics. This allows for more targeted and personalized marketing campaigns, essential for optimizing conversions on mobile devices where attention spans may be shorter.
  • Re-engagement Opportunities: Mobile users may visit a website but not necessarily purchase their initial visit. An email list provides an opportunity to re-engage with these users through follow-up emails, reminders, and exclusive offers, increasing the likelihood of conversion.
  • Cart Abandonment Recovery: Email is an effective tool for addressing cart abandonment issues on mobile devices. By sending timely and personalized emails to users who abandoned their carts, businesses can encourage them to complete the purchase, optimizing conversions.
  • Data Collection and Analysis: Email marketing platforms provide valuable insights and analytics businesses can use to understand user behavior. Businesses can refine their mobile optimization strategies by analyzing email campaign performance and improving conversion rates over time.
  • Cross-Channel Integration: Email lists can be integrated with other marketing channels, creating a cohesive and integrated customer experience. For example, businesses can use email to promote mobile app downloads, special mobile-only promotions, or drive traffic to mobile-optimized landing pages.

Building an email list for mobile e-commerce involves specific strategies to maximize conversions. Here are some best practices:

Mobile-Optimized Sign-Up Forms:

  • Design mobile-friendly sign-up forms with a clean layout and easy-to-use fields.
  • Minimize the number of required fields to reduce friction and make the sign-up process quick.

Incentivize Sign-Ups:

  • Offer incentives such as discounts, exclusive deals, or early access to encourage users to subscribe.
  • Communicate the benefits of joining the email list to capture user interest.

Visible Calls-to-Action (CTAs):

  • Place prominent and visually appealing CTAs on your mobile site encouraging users to subscribe.
  • Use compelling language emphasizing the value users will receive by joining the email list.

Exit-Intent Pop-Ups:

  • Implement exit-intent pop-ups that appear when users are about to leave the site, prompting them to subscribe before exiting.
  • Ensure these pop-ups are mobile-responsive and do not disrupt the user experience.

Segmentation and Personalization:

  • Implement segmentation based on user behavior, preferences, or demographics.
  • Personalize email content to make it more relevant to specific segments, increasing the chances of engagement.

Social Proof:

  • Incorporate social proof, such as testimonials or user reviews, to build credibility and trust.
  • Highlight positive experiences of existing subscribers to encourage new sign-ups.


4. Mobile-Friendly Checkout Process

  • Mobile users have distinct browsing patterns, often with shorter journeys in e-commerce than desktop users.
  • Streamlining the mobile buyer's journey is crucial, aiming for a simplified process with fewer steps to complete a sale.
  • A sticky navigation bar is a valuable addition, ensuring users can always see key components like the shopping cart and navigation menu.
  • Additional features such as the click-to-scroll and click-to-call buttons enhance the browsing experience, reducing user frustration from excessive clicks.

Various checkout methods, including

  • One-Step Checkout: condensing the entire checkout process into a single step for a quick and efficient transaction. An example would be Amazon. 

Checkout journey

Observing this page, you can precisely gauge the time required to complete the process—a valuable feature, especially in the current context.

They have divided the page into four sections, only unlocking the next one after completing the previous section. 

This approach minimizes user fatigue and ensures that users gain a comprehensive understanding of their submission at the end.

  • Guest Checkout: Allowing users to make purchases without creating an account, reducing friction and expediting the process. MadHippie is an example.

MadHippie homepage

Regarding stores featuring guest checkout options, Mad Hippie stands out as a unique case. Unlike most, they exclusively offer a guest checkout experience. 

Interestingly, it's not explicitly labeled as such on their website because customers aren't required to choose. Instead, they seamlessly add items to their cart and proceed to checkout, supplying shipping and billing details when ready to purchase.

In the image above, you'll observe the absence of icons for signing in, signing up, or managing any account.

  • Express Checkout Options: Integrating third-party payment providers or digital wallets for a faster and smoother payment experience.

Google Pay

Express checkout alternatives enable customers to finalize a purchase with minimal steps and are provided by various payment service providers.

  • Mobile-friendly pop-ups for offers or discounts are efficient for engaging and converting mobile users, provided they are optimized for smaller screens and remain relevant and appealing without disrupting the user interface.

5. Easy Mobile Payment Solutions

It makes it convenient for users not to have to input their payment information whenever purchasing an item.

Integration of mobile payments like Google Pay, Apple Pay, or PayPal to simplify the checkout process for customers.

Doing so enables users to keep their preferred payment option and proceed through checkout in less than five clicks using their mobile devices, along with other benefits like:

  • Convenience: Easy mobile payment solutions offer users a convenient and efficient way to make transactions, eliminating the need for physical cash or cards.
  • Speed: Transactions are processed quickly, reducing customer and business wait times.
  • Accessibility: Mobile payment solutions provide access to financial transactions anytime, anywhere, fostering financial inclusivity.
  • Security: Many mobile payment platforms implement advanced security features, such as encryption and biometric authentication, ensuring secure transactions.
  • Loyalty Programs: Mobile payment solutions often integrate loyalty programs, encouraging repeat business and customer retention.
  • Innovation and Future-Readiness: Adopting accessible mobile payment solutions positions businesses at the forefront of technological innovation, appealing to tech-savvy consumers.

6. Push Notifications

There are many membership plugins that seamlessly integrate with push notification services, empowering you to dispatch personalized messages directly to your mobile users' devices.

The ability to send notifications showcasing exclusive deals, new products, or member-only events to members not only fosters engagement but also serves as a catalyst for conversions among your mobile audience.

Membership plugins like ARMember provide multiple opt-ins, enabling seamless integration with email marketing platforms to add members and send promotional emails. They also offer push notifications through email opt-in features, enhancing communication with members and further facilitating targeted promotions.

7. High-Quality Product Images And Zoom

The significance of images on mobile devices cannot be overstated, as they occupy a substantial portion of the user's screen. 

This visual prominence underscores the need for e-commerce site owners to leverage images effectively through seamless navigation and user experience (UX) design. 

Failure to capitalize on this visual real estate may result in missed opportunities, as visitors are less likely to convert into paying customers without a compelling and user-friendly presentation. 

Therefore, integrating high-quality images with strategic navigation and a user-centric design is essential to capture and retain the attention of mobile users, fostering a more engaging and conversion-friendly e-commerce experience.

8. Engaging Product Descriptions

Here are seven best practices for creating engaging product descriptions that will enhance the mobile shopping experience and drive sales:

  • Be Clear and Concise: It‘s essential to make product descriptions short but informative because mobile users have little amount of screen. The product’s main features, benefits, and specifications should be highlighted in an easy-to-read format for mobile devices.


  • Use Descriptive Language: Utilize language that paints in color so your customer “sees” the product. Formulate the relationship between potential consumers and the offer by using ‌terms like “luxurious,” “versatile”, or “stylish”.



  • Highlight Unique Selling Points: Be sure to emphasize what differentiates your product from other competitors. Inform your customers about why they need ‌your product to have superior quality, innovative design, or exclusive features compared to others.


  • Show Value and Benefits: Do not just talk about the product's characteristics, instead, tell how a customer’s life can be better thanks to this product. Explain the product's benefits and why they should consider purchasing it.



  • Use Bulleted Lists: Disaggregate the features and benefits of the product in point form for quick scanning. Mobile users can easily understand vital information in brief paragraphs or points without reading long passages.

Dollar Shave Club homepage

  • Incorporate Social Proof: Adding some customer reviews or testimonials to your product descriptions makes them much more believable. The demonstration of positive testimonies from satisfied consumers makes potential buyers realize why they should make a similar purchase.


  • Personalize Recommendations: Offer complementary products and recommend items through a customized solution tailored to each customer after analyzing the users’ profiles and purchasing history. Apart from making shopping interesting, it is also a way of making cross-selling or upselling possible.

AppSumo page

9. Customer Reviews And Testimonials

According to a report from Global Newswire, a staggering 95% of customers make it a practice to peruse online reviews before making a purchase decision. Moreover, among these shoppers, 58% express a readiness to pay a premium for products that boast positive reviews.

They aim to make sure the product is what they expect it to be and will ultimately prove helpful for them.

Customer reviews based on actual experience increase faith among prospective customers. As such, when they find out that other people enjoy using your products, it makes them believe that buying from you is a safe bet.

Apart from this, displaying high-rating testimonials, which speak about the main advantages of your goods and how customers feel about your service, will also be helpful.

Besides, it informs prospective clients what makes your product different, which ultimately underlines the essential features of your proposed solution.

Such positive reviews function as an influential signal to consumers and encourage them in purchasing decision-making.

Consider integrating reviews into your cart abandonment emails to combat the average cart abandonment rate, which lingers at approximately 70%. While a visual reminder of items in the cart may sway some shoppers to return and purchase, others may require a more convincing element, such as a compelling 5-star review from an actual customer. Bowflex provides an illustrative example of this approach.

Bowflex product page


10. Personalization And Recommendations

A notable 66% of consumers anticipate that brands comprehend their needs and deliver personalized experiences to meet their expectations. 

The critical advantage of customized product suggestions is that one can display certain goods for the client depending on his or her search and buy activities.

Such measures improve response rates, hence enhancing the chances of conversions. Moreover, it makes things easier for users while minimizing response times.

In addition, personalized suggestions promote further sales and the purchase of supplementary products.

This helps a customer and brings revenue to the business by enabling them to purchase conveniently.

Besides, it is essential to deliver tailor-made content/messages according to past engagement history or profiles of users.


As an illustration, suppose a visitor explores graphic tees on a fashion e-commerce platform. Upon their subsequent visit to the same online store, they might encounter personalized recommendations showcasing graphic tees they haven't previously viewed.

Likewise, if a customer makes a purchase, such as a graphic tee, the store might initiate a personalized email containing outfit suggestions. 

This not only sparks inspiration and fosters a sense of uniqueness for customers but also opens avenues for brands to engage in cross-selling, ultimately contributing to an increase in their overall revenue.

11. Include a Live Chat

Various things should be taken into consideration for the effective implementation of live chat. Start with having a wide range of ready questions and answers for the live chat system.

This helps customer support agents provide instant responses to recurrent queries without typing in an answer every time.

Besides, adding automated replies can make live chat more effective. Automated Frequently Asked Questions can provide immediate aid, which does not require human interruption.

Finally, prompt and personal support via live chat is essential. It is necessary to reduce response times and train customer support agents to process questions quickly and warmly.

Challenges And Solutions In Mobile Ecommerce Conversion Optimization

Mobile friendly optimizations are essential as they help in reducing the bounce rate, especially on mobiles. The growing population of mobile device users necessitates ease while shopping online.

Nevertheless, this undertaking comes with specific peculiar challenges. Here is a list of the challenges and solutions one may face:

Limited Screen Size

Lush homepage

Mobile users have small screen sizes, so responsive design should be prioritized. Ensure your website is compatible with multiple types of screens, such as mobile. In addition, simplify the checkout to suit small screens, removing barriers for mobile shoppers.

UX (User Experience) and UI (User Interface) designers address the challenges posed by limited screen size in Mobile Ecommerce Conversion Optimization through various strategies:

  • Responsive Design: Designers prioritize creating responsive interfaces that adapt seamlessly to different screen sizes. This ensures a consistent and user-friendly experience regardless of the device.
  • Prioritization of Content: Given the limited space, designers prioritize essential content and actions to display prominently. This often involves simplifying navigation and focusing on critical elements for conversion.
  • Touch-Friendly Design: UI designers consider the touch interface of mobile devices, optimizing buttons, links, and interactive elements to be easily tappable. This enhances the overall usability and reduces the chances of user frustration.
  • Progressive Disclosure: To avoid cluttering the screen, designers implement progressive disclosure, presenting information progressively as the user moves through the conversion funnel. This prevents overwhelming users with too much information at once.
  • Streamlined Forms: To improve conversion rates, designers simplify and streamline forms by reducing the number of fields and incorporating features like auto-fill to minimize user effort.
  • Thumb-Friendly Navigation: Recognizing that users primarily navigate with their thumbs on mobile devices, designers position critical elements within easy reach. This is particularly important for frequently used actions like adding to the cart or proceeding to checkout.

Search functionality

For mobile users, the speed of product discovery mainly revolves around search bars. This calls for the development of a productive search bar that yields quality information immediately. Use features such as auto-suggestions, filters, and sorting to ease navigation and enable customers to locate items faster.

MVMTH homepage


Distractions and Interruptions

Mobile shoppers are frequently disrupted or interrupted. Ease your checkout flow to counteract this problem. Use short and precise action buttons and also include a progression bar to help users stay interested and keep track of their progress. Reducing friction and distraction leads to a reduction in the rate of shopping cart abandonment.



The integration of personalization can greatly elevate the shopping experience and amplify conversion rates. This encompasses personalized product suggestions derived from previous purchases or browsing history, as well as customized content tailored to individual customer preferences.

As an illustration, Netflix employs personalization to suggest shows and movies based on a user's viewing history, resulting in heightened engagement and increased customer satisfaction.



Final Thoughts

This guide offers 10 mobile ecommerce best practices that should guide businesses aiming for success in the digital market.

Concentrating on tailored suggestions, convenient checkouts, and strong protection mechanisms will help build trust among customers and ultimately enhance the conversion rate.

However, in a nutshell, it is more than that. The use of push notifications, as well as social media incorporation and mobile-first marketing, helps businesses establish meaningful links that enhance brand loyalty and customer retention.

Niko Kaleev
Web Performance Geek

Niko has 5+ years of experience turning those “it’s too technical for me” topics into “I can’t believe I get it” content pieces. He specializes in dissecting nuanced topics like Core Web Vitals, web performance metrics, and site speed optimization techniques. When he’s taking a breather from researching his next content piece, you’ll find him deep into the latest performance news.